The Electrode Native platform contains two runners, one for each mobile platform (Android and iOS). Both runners are very simple and light-weight mobile applications--similar to new application projects in Android Studio or Xcode.

The Electrode Native runner application is used to run your standalone MiniApp so that you can effectively develop, debug, and test your MiniApp--before releasing a new or updated version of the MiniApp.

An Electrode Native runner application is automatically generated the first time you use the ern run-ios or ern run-android commands for your MiniApp. Relative to your MiniApp root directory, the runner application is generated in new Android and iOS directories.

When the Electrode Native runner application is generated, you can make manual code modifications to it, if needed--they aren't overwritten the next time you run the ern run-ios or ern run-android commands. The only way to trigger a complete regeneration of the Electrode Native runner is to remove the Android or iOS directories.

Each time you run the ern run-ios or ern run-android commands, a new local container is generated to include your MiniApp along with all of its native dependencies. The Electrode Native runner mobile application depends on the local container in order to launch the MiniApp.

By default, when launching the Electrode Native runner using the ern run-ios or ern run-android commands, a local React Native Packager is launched and your MiniApp bundle is served from this packager. This is the normal development workflow. However, you can also serve your MiniApp directly from the container stored within the binary of the application using additional command options.

Multiple MiniApp support

The Electrode Native runner supports containers that include multiple MiniApps. However, since only one MiniApp can be launched when the Electrode Native runner starts, you'll need to specify the primary MiniApp that should be launched when the Electrode Native runner application starts.

  • ern run-ios and ern run-android Launches one or more MiniApps in the Electrode Native runner application.

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