CodePush commands

Electrode Native ships with a [CodePush] integration, to allow for releasing code updates over the air, to released native application versions.

A few commands are exposed by Electrode Native to release CodePush updates, promote releases and update existing releases distribution details.

Please note that only JavaScript code can be updated through CodePush releases, not native code.


  1. A Cauldron needs to be active

code-push commands only works with a supporting Cauldron. You should have properly setup and activated a Cauldron in order to work with CodePush.

  1. Creating a CodePush account

CodePush was recently integrated into Microsoft App Center, therefore you'll need to follow instructions on this page to setup an app center account.

After installing the App Center CLI and logging in through the CLI, please keep the generated token (a.k.a access key) handy, as Electrode Native needs it to perform code-push related commands.

You'll then need to add the code push access key to the local Electrode Native configuration. This needs to be done local to each workstation/box that need to issue code-push commands. The CodePush access key is not stored in the Cauldron, for security reasons.

$ ern platform config set codePushAccessKey YOUR_CODE_PUSH_ACCESS_KEY
  1. Creating your application in CodePush

Once you are logged-in with the App Center CLI, you'll need to create your application in App Center.

We recommend that you create two different application entries, for your application, one per platform. For example if your application is named MyAwesomeApp, you should create an application named MyAwesomeAppIos and another named MyAwesomeAppAndroid.

The name of the unsuffixed application should match the name you will use (or that you already use) in your Cauldron. For example, if you named your application as MyCoolApp in your Cauldron, you cannot use MyAwesomeApp for naming it in CodePush.

Refer to the App Center documentation for more details on the command, but for illustration, here are the commands we would run based on our imaginary application name:

$ appcenter apps create -p "React-Native" -o "iOS" -d "MyAwesomeAppIos"
$ appcenter apps create -p "React-Native" -o "Android" -d "MyAwesomeAppAndroid"
  1. [Optional] Set the application names in your Cauldron configuration

If you have named your CodePush application as recommended, with a platform suffix (MyAwesomeApp -> MyAwesomeAppIos and MyAwesomeAppAndroid) then you don't have to do any specific configuration in the Cauldron as this convention will be used when running code-push commands.

However, if you have used a different naming convention, for example if you name MyAwesomeApp Android as MyAwesomeAppForAndroid, you will need to specify the custom name in your Cauldron configuration. You should edit the cauldron.json file of your Cauldron manually, as we don't have commands yet to edit configuration in the Cauldron.

You should specify the custom application name in the codePush config object of the native application platform, as follow :

"nativeApps": [
  "name": "MyAwesomeApp",
  "platforms": [
    "name": "android",
    "config": {
      "codePush": {
        "appName": "MyAwesomeAppForAndroid"
  1. Creating your CodePush deployment names

Think about deployment names as different deployment environments. You can choose as many deployment names as you see fit, though most users usually stick with the basic deployment names Staging and Production that app center creates for you when you add your app.
You will get a different 'key' for each app name / deployment name combination.
The keys are stored in your native application, and based upon the key you select at runtime, your native application will only retrieve the releases from a specific deployment name.

Enter the command below to list the deployments associated with an app

$ appcenter codepush deployment list -a <YourAppName>

Refer to the App center documentation for more details on how to create deployment environments, but for illustration, here are the commands we would run for our MyAwesomeApp application, to create Dev deployment name :

$ appcenter codepush deployment add -a MyAwesomeAppIos Dev
$ appcenter codepush deployment add -a MyAwesomeAppAndroid Dev

NOTE: If you get not a valid application id error, Execute appcenter apps list command to get the application id to pass in for the commads.

  1. [Optional] Store the deployment names in your Cauldron

You need to pass a deployment name to all code-push commands. This deployment name can be provided as a command option, however if you'd rather like to be prompted for a deployment name to choose from, you can store the deployments names associated to a native application name/platform inside the Cauldron codePush configuration.

For illustration, here is how we would store the two deployments we created for our MyAwesomeApp Android in our Cauldron:

"nativeApps": [
  "name": "MyAwesomeApp",
  "platforms": [
    "name": "android",
    "config": {
      "codePush": {
         "deployments": [
            { "name": "Production" },
            { "name": "Staging" }
  1. [Optional] Configure version name modifiers in Cauldron

Some native applications are using version name modifiers to distinguish between different environments. For example for our MyAwesomeApp on Android, we might use the version suffix -qa-debug to denote a debug version built for QA and dev-debug to denote a Development debug version. In this case, for any given version number (for example 1.0.0) we can have three variants of the version : 1.0.0 (Production), 1.0.0-dev-debug (Dev) and 1.0.0-qa-debug (QA).

The problem in that scenario, is that, when doing a release targeting a specific native application version, CodePush will only install it for versions matching the targetted version string. i.e if we are doing a CodePush release targeting 1.0.0, then, users running the 1.0.0-dev-debug version won't get the release.

If you are using version modifiers for your native application, then you should create an appropriate codePush configuration entry in your Cauldron.

For example, for your Android application, if -dev-debug versions are associated to your Staging deployment name and -qa-debug versions are associated to your QA deployment name, then you should setup the following codePush configuration in your Cauldron :

"nativeApps": [
  "name": "MyAwesomeApp",
  "platforms": [
    "name": "android",
    "config": {
      "codePush": {
         "deployments": [
          "versionModifiers": [
              "deploymentName": "Staging",
              "modifier": "$1-qa-debug"
              "deploymentName": "QA",
              "modifier": "$1-dev-debug"
  1. [Optional] Limit the number of CodePush entries in your Cauldron

For each CodePush release or promotion, a specific CodePush entry will be stored in the native application version in the Cauldron.

If you are doing a lot of CodePush releases, you might want to limit the number of CodePush entries stored in the Cauldron, to keep only the last X entries.

This can be achieved through Cauldron codePush configuration in the Cauldron top level config object. For example, if we desired to keep track of only the last two CodePush release entries for each native application version (per deployment name), our configuration would be as follow :

"config": {
  "codePush": {
    "entriesLimit": 2

By default, if not configured in Cauldron, all CodePush entries will be stored.

  1. Setup code-push in your MiniApp(s)

For each of your MiniApp(s) that should support over the air updates, you should add the react-native-code-push dependency.

If not done already, add the react-native-code-push dependency to your MiniApp. From your MiniApp root directory, run the following command :

$ ern add react-native-code-push

Then in your MiniApp, decorate your MiniApp Component class with codePush, as illustrated by the following sample :

import codePush from "react-native-code-push";

class App extends Component<{}> {

App = codePush({
  checkFrequency: codePush.CheckFrequency.ON_APP_RESUME,
  installMode: codePush.InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESUME,
  minimumBackgroundDuration: 60 * 2

You can use different values for checkFrequency or installMode based on your use case.

Refer to the official code-push plugin documentation for more details.

  1. [Native Application] Initialize the Container with the CodePush configuration

On the native side, as soon as you create a Container that includes at least in the native application code, you will need to initialize the Container with a CodePush plugin configuration. This configuration takes the deployment key to be used at runtime. This is at this step that you can select which deployment key to be used, based on the build type.

Here follows an illustration on how to initialize the Container with CodePush configuration on both Android and iOS.


  new CodePushPlugin.Config("DEPLOYMENT_KEY")


ElectrodeContainerConfig *containerConfig = [[ElectrodeContainerConfig alloc] init];
ElectrodeCodePushConfig *codePushConfig = [[ElectrodeCodePushConfig alloc] initWithDeploymentKey:@"DEPLOYMENT_KEY" serverURL:nil containerConfig:containerConfig];
[ElectrodeReactNative startWithConfigurations:containerConfig electrodeCodePushConfig:codePushConfig];
  1. CodePush your first release !

Head over to the code-push release command documentation to do your first release through CodePush.

code-push release | Issue a CodePush release

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