ern run-ios


  • Runs a MiniApp on an iOS emulator or connected device


ern run-ios


--dev [true|false]

  • Enable or disable React Native dev support


  • One or more MiniApps to combine in the Runner Container

    --dependencies, --deps

  • One or more native dependencies to add to the Runner Container

    --descriptor, -d

  • complete native application descriptor


  • Name of the MiniApp to launch when starting the Runner application


  • Use the previously selected device to avoid prompt


  • Host or ip to launch the local packager on (default: localhost)


  • Port on which the local packager should listen on (default: 8081)


  • You can launch the MiniApp located in the current working directory or on a connected iOS device or running emulator if available. If a connected iOS device is not available, the command prompts you to select an emulator to launch from the list of installed emulator images.
  • The first time you run this command from within a MiniApp directory, it generates an iOS directory containing the iOS Runner application project. If the iOS folder already exists (it is not the first run of the ern run-ios command for this MiniApp), the existing runner project is used.
  • After the runner project is generated, you can safely make native code modifications to it, knowing that the next time the ern run-ios command is issued, the project and your changes will remain.
  • If you want to regenerate the runner project from scratch, remove the iOS directory.
  • The miniapp can be any Yarn package descriptor, including Git or other file system path schemes.
  • The ern run-ios command is the ern equivalent of the react-native run-ios command.

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