ern platform config set


  • Set the local platform configuration values stored in the ~/.ern/.ernrc file


ern platform config set <key> <value>



  • The key of the configuration element to set


  • If specified, will set the config value associated to this key.

Configurable properties

  • logLevel [trace|debug|info|error|fatal]
    Set the log level to use for all commands.
    default : info

  • showBanner [true|false]
    Show the Electrode Native ASCII banner for all commands.
    default : true

  • tmp-dir
    Temporary directory to use during commands execution.
    default : system default

  • retain-tmp-dir [true|false]
    If set to true, the temporary directories created during some commands execution, won't be destroyed after the command execution.
    default : false

  • codePushAccessKey [string]
    Code push access key associated with your account


  • The ern platform config set <key> <value> command is rarely used.
  • All current configuration values are already set and retrieved transparently through the use of commands that rely on the local platform configuration.
  • If a value is provided, the ern platform config set <key> <value> command sets the value associated with the given key with the specified value, overwriting any existing value stored for this key.

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