Why Electrode Native?

When developing, integrating, and reusing multiple and distinct React Native components into an existing mobile application, developers face clear challenges.

Electrode Native takes on those challenges by providing an open source platform that reduces the friction for both React Native developers and mobile app developers. Using the Electrode Native platform solution, developers can leverage their knowledge without having to drastically change their workflow to accommodate the integration of multiple React Native components in their mobile application(s).

React Native allows JavaScript developers to leverage their existing knowledge of React / React Native and they can use a single JavaScript code base to develop mobile applications targeting multiple platforms. React Native also give developers the power to transparently update their code as over the air (OTA) updates without having to go through the standard store release process and delays-not to mention actual adoption of updates by the users.

React Native can (seemingly) also be used to build and reuse some components written in React Native--and "plug" them into existing mobile applications. However, this capability is not yet widely adopted--primarily due to the friction of the required infrastructural changes as well as the absence of adequate tooling--either within the React Native platform itself or as third party tools to effectively help deal with this use case. The learning curve and investment required for mobile application developers who are working on a solution that actually works well for their mobile application, is often too much for many developers and development teams.

There are few solutions to this integration challenge and those that are available are not well documented enough-- most require additional tooling as well as infrastructure changes such as switching the mobile code base to a monorepo.

Electrode Native includes a well developed set of open source custom tools that successfully addresses this challenge.

Electrode Native allows JavaScript developers to work on their own React Native based components, called MiniApps--from within their dedicated repository, using their own release lifecycle. The MiniApps can be published and reused within potentially any mobile application. Existing JavaScript React Native developers will experience little change to their workflow.

The only difference: developers use a short list of Electrode Native CLI commands. The development experience remains the same as it was when developers worked on pure React Native components. A MiniApp, after all, is really nothing more than a small JavaScript React Native JavaScript application.

Electrode Native allows Mobile application developers to easily integrate individual React Native components within their existing mobile application--without changes to their infrastructure or the need to deal with or install any JavaScript based tools--not even Electrode Native itself!

Electrode Native provides mobile application developers a single third-party library known as the "Electrode Native Container". The container includes all their MiniApps and developers interact with it as they would with any other third-party native library. If you need to update a MiniApp version or add new MiniApps to your container, all it takes is triggering a new container generation and publication. Developers only need to update the container version that is to be used within their mobile application.

The bottom line: Using Electrode Native, developers can concentrate on functionality and building their apps--without the hassles of reuse or integration issues.

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