ern code-push patch

code-push commands prerequisites needs to be met in order to execute this command


  • Patch a CodePush release.
  • This command only works for entries that have been released through ern code-push release or promoted through ern code-push promote.
  • Update the corresponding CodePush entry in Cauldron with the changes.


ern code-push patch


--descriptor/-d <descriptor>

  • Specify a target native application version (following the complete native application descriptor format) that contains the CodePush release to patch.
  • Default The command will list all released native applications versions stored in the Cauldron and will prompt to select a target native application version from the list.


  • Specify the label (identifier) of the CodePush release to patch.
  • Default The command will display a prompt to input the label.


  • Update the distribution status of the matched CodePush release. Setting this flag to true will disable the CodePush release distribution, while setting this flag to false will enable the CodePush release distribution.
  • Default No change to the distribution status.

--deploymentName/-d <deploymentName>

  • Update the CodePush deployment name (Production, Staging ...) of the matched release.
  • Default No change to the deployment name.


  • Update the mandatory status of the CodePush release entry. Setting this flag to true will make the CodePush release mandatory (it will be immediately downloaded and installed), whereas setting this flag to false will make the CodePush release non mandatory.
  • Default No change to the mandatory status.

--rollout/-r <percentage>

  • Update the percentage of users who will have access to the CodePush release.
  • Default No change to the rollout percentage.

code-push promote | Promote a release to a different deployment name
code-push release | Issue a CodePush release

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